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Tongue Tie Separation
What is a Tongue Tie?
Tongue tie (Ankyloglossia) is a congenital anomaly where the lingual frenulum, which is the thin fold of mucous membrane that extends from the floor of the mouth to the underside of the tongue, is unusually short. It varies in degree, and many cause no problems at all but some can cause problems with breastfeeding and also bottle feeding. It can limit the movement of the baby's tongue, causing sore nipples and ineffective milk transfer. In bottle fed babies it may cause difficulty in creating a proper seal which may result in ineffective sucking and prolonged feeds.

About Me
My name is Sue Lonergan and I am a Registered Midwife,
regulated by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), with 13 years experience working in a hospital, Birth Centre and Community settings. I have undertaken training in tongue tie division (Frenulotomy), and am a member of The Association of Tongue Tie Practitioners (ATP). My service is also regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Personal Indemnity insurance by Hiscox Insurance Company.
I am also qualified in Examination of The Newborn and am
experienced in supporting mothers with both breastfeeding & bottle feeding.

About My Service
After an initial telephone consultation, I will come to your home and take a full feeding history then assess your baby to see if he/she has a tongue tie. If the tongue tie needs separating, I will do this and then assist you with feeding the baby, after the procedure. I will also show you some tongue exercises you can help your baby to do to help the healing process.
I would expect to be in your home around an hour.
I am willing to make daytime or evening appointments, to suit your needs, 7 days a week.
The areas I cover are Epsom & Ewell, Banstead, Cobham, Leatherhead, Kingston, Thames Ditton, Twickenham, Teddington, Sutton & Merton.
£190 for assessment, Frenulotomy (tongue tie separation) & feeding support.
* £90 charge if tongue tie separation is not necessary, to cover the cost
of consultation.
Contact me :
Mobile: 07821204645
If it goes to voicemail, I may be busy with other clients, please leave me a message and I will call you back.
Email me:
I am constantly working to improve my practice & care. If you wish to provide feedback about any aspect of my service, please use the contact details above. I also have a survey on this link: You can also feedback here to the CQC .
Sue Lonergan, RM, BscHons, DipHe Midwifery
1) Why does my baby's tongue tie need separating?
Some tongue ties do not affect feeding but common symptoms of the ones that do are:
Sore or misshapen nipples,
Diminished milk supply,
Prolonged or frequent feeds,
Difficulty in latching,
Baby fussing during feed,
Excessive weight loss.
In bottle fed babies:
Difficulty in taking a teat,
Prolonged feeds,
Excessive dribbling or wind.
2) Will the procedure hurt my baby?
It is a quick and almost painless procedure, this is because there are very few nerves endings in this area. Most babies cry briefly and it usually bleeds a small amount, both of which are usually resolved when the baby feeds immediately following the procedure.
3) What happens during the procedure?
The baby is wrapped securely in a blanket and laid on a flat surface and it's head is supported by you, your partner or a friend. The tongue is lifted up to expose the frenulum and it is examined under a light. The practitioner then cuts the frenulum with small curved blunt-ended sterile scissors. A finger is then swept under the tongue to make sure the frenulum has been divided completely. The floor of the mouth is then compressed using sterile gauze before the baby is unwrapped and handed to the mother for feeding. Feeding allows the tongue to come down and compress the wound site which helps stop the bleeding. The baby's condition in monitored, to establish if the bleeding has stopped. The parents are advised that a small white patch under the tongue is normal in the healing process. Tongue exercises are discussed. Parents are advised it may take the baby a few days to establish the correct feeding technique.
4) Is there any paperwork?
Yes there is a consent form for the parent or legal guardian to sign before the procedure is carried out.
5) What age does the baby need to be?
The procedure can be carried out from new born to 6 months.
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